Ironman vs Blake Griffin
Hello all,
So this post is all about a blast from the past. Way back in 2011, when I started thinking about writing as a hobby I wrote this one shot comic book script. During that time I had just started reading comic books and listening to comic book podcasts, and I heard about a comic book called Superman vs Muhammad Ali. As an experiment to work on my writing I thought it would be fun to write something similar to that. The Iron Man movies had just come out, and a college student studying engineering he became a hero of mine. Blake Griffin was just finishing up a remarkable All-Star rookie season with the Clippers and was looking like the next NBA superstar. Griffin was one of the reasons that at that time, my allegiance was being swayed from being a Laker fan to a Clipper fan. So in the style of Superman vs Muhammad Ali, I wrote a dumb, but hopefully funny, comedic one-shot comic book: Iron Man vs Blake Griffin. Full of references from 2011, this one shot aims to bring the Blake Griffin of 2011 into a the strange land of the Marvel 616 Comic Book universe. I hope you enjoy this crazy ride.