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Who is Andre Aroyan?

Andre Aroyan is a Mechanical Engineer, aspiring podcast host, and amateur writer. He has both a Bachelors and Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Los Angeles. For the last 2 years, Andre has worked as a Thermal Design Engineer at Northrop Grumman, where he has contributed to the thermal design and analysis of the James Webb Space Telescope.  When he finds time, Andre enjoys writing stories as a hobby. He considers Andy Weir, the writer of The Martian, as a role model since he found a way to break out of his engineering/technical background and find success as a writer. Unfortunately, Andre is not a great manager of his time yet, and struggles to put down the video games and the Netflix to actually write the stories he wants to tell. Additionally, he procrastinates by attempting to write something clever on his lame website.


Andre's engineering Resume as of the summer of 2017 can be found below!

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